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(MAY 24, 1851 TO NOVEMBER 20, 1854)

Busy traffic on Strand Street, the center of commercial London
(Photograph of unknown origin, ca. 1860)

Saint Paul's Cathedral (Engraving by William Gaspey, 1851)

Facades of the south entrance of the British Museum
(Drawing by Frederick Mackenzie, 1849)

Covent Garden Market (Engraving by unknown author, ca. 1850)

After an entomological sale. Beati possidentes
(Drawing by Edward Armitage)
The Christal Palace in Hyde Park during the Grand International Exhibition of 1851 (Engraving by Read, & Co., 1851)

Interior of the Christal Palace (Drawings by J. McNeven, 1851)

View of London (Drawing by A. Appert, ca. 1850)

Cape Town (Drawing by Alexandre Pierre de Bar, LTM 1861)

The Sarawak River and the city of Kuching
(Drawing by A. Thom, ca. 1850)

View of the Sunda Strait (GNI)

Sarawak Government Building (TIL)
View of Kuching from the Sarawak River (GNI)

Malay Chief (BAI)
Malays smoking opium (Drawing by Gustave Boulanger,LTM 1862)

Daiak village (Drawing François-Louis Français,LTM 1862)
Interior of a daiak hut
(Drawing by Auguste-André Lançon,LTM 1862)

severed head of a daiak (BAI)

Daiak teeth filed and stained black (BAI)

Rajah Daiak and Warrior Daiak (MZW2 andLTM 1861)

daiak dresses
(Drawing by Auguste-André Lançon,LTM 1862)
Daiak women
(Engraving of unknown origin, ca. 1850)

Raised bridge in Borneo
(Drawing by Alexander de Bar, LTM 1862)

On the march through the jungle of Borneo (LVD)

Pontianak River, a tributary of the Kapuas (GNI)

Borneo native boat (BAI)

Walk along the river in Sambas (GNI)

Batavia Port (GNI)
The old part of Batavia (VAM)

House of Europeans in Batavia (GNI)

Dano Valley, near Tijomas (GNI)

Dano, Karang and Pulosari (GNI)
Garden of Bogor
(Curia Indiae Neederlendicae Bogoriae. Lithograph by P. Lauters, 1835)

Porticoes of the Borobodur Temple
LTM 1861 andVAM)

General view of Borobodur (Frans Carel Wilsen.Bôrô-Boedoer op he eiland Java, 1873-1874)

Entrance to the port of Padang (GNI)
Houses of erupeans in Padang (GNI)

Bridge in sumatra (LEX)
Houses of a Sumatran village (TMA)

"Man-Eating Bataks"
Photograph by Brau de Saint-Paul Lias (LEX)
Batak warriors
(Photograph by Kristen Feilbergt, ca. 1870)

Entrance to the port of Banda Neira (GNI)

Ambon Street (GNI)

"Removing an intruder" in Ambon, a python
four meters long (TMA)

Fort Duurstede, on the island of Saparaua (GNI)

Alfures indigenous people, with the characteristic hairstyle and hidden behind a tree waiting for "a prey"
Engravings of unknown origin, 1880)

Alfures of the mountains of the island of Ceram (Moluccas)
Photograph of unknown origin in the Collection of the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, ca. 1880

Beetles from Borneo (left) and the Moluccan Islands (right) that may have been collected by Ida Pfeiffer during her travels (TMA)

Entrance to the port of Ternate (GNI)

Road from Kema to Tondano (GNI)

Bamboo bridge on the road from Tondano to Menado (GNI)

Visit to the Sultan of Ternate and dance (GNI)

Kema River, in North Sulawesi (GNI)

Above: View of the town and lake of Tondano (GNI)
Below;: Makassar Malay Quarter (GNI)

Steamers in the port of San Francisco (VAM)

The Last Great San Francisco Fire of June 22, 1851
(Engraving by Justh, Quirot & Co., 1882)

"Sutter's Mill", John Sutter's sawmill
(Daguerreotype by RH Vance, ca. 1850)
Sand washing from the bottom of a river (VAM)

Rogue River "Indian Hunt" in March 1855
(Rodney Glis.Journal of Army Life, 1874)
Rogue River War (Engraving by unknown author, ca. 1855)

Steamship Golden Gate that since 1851 was doing the 'Aspinwall Line' between Panama and California and Oregon
(FC van Oosten.Dampfer. Erobern die Meere, 1972)

Lima Cathedral (Engraving of unknown origin, ca. 1850)

Lima and the port of Callao (drawing by unknown artist, ca. 1850)

"A Lady from Lima"(MZW3)

Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland am Fuß des Vulkans Chimborazo
(Painting by Friedrich Georg Weitsch, 1806)

The Chimborazo volcano (VAM)

Cotopaxi volcano eruption
(Engraving by unknown author, ca. 1890)

View of Aspinwal, present-day Colón (LEX)

New Orleans and the Mississippi River on the right
(Lithograph by JW Hill i Smith, 1852)

Port of New Orleans
(Engraving of unknown origin, ca. 1850)

View of Canal Street in New Orleans
(Drawing made from a photograph by James Andrews, August 1857)

Saint Charles Hotel New Orleans
(Engraving of unknown origin, ca. 1853)

"Sale of farms, paintings and slaves in the Rotunda"
(Drawing by William Henry Brooke, 1842)

Cherokee Indians
(Photograph of unknown origin, ca. 1870)

View of Saint Louis and the Mississippi River
(Die Gartenlaubefrom Leipzig, January 1854)

Friedrich Hecker Farm
(Drawing by unknown author, ca. 1850)

Saint Louis Cathedral on the Place d'Armes
(Lithograph by unknown author, 1849)

Saint Anthony Falls
(Drawing by Albert Bierstadt, ca. 1880-1887)

Niagara Falls (VAM and MZW4)

Montreal seen from the Saint Lawrence River and from land (CAS)

Quebec viewed from the Saint Lawrence River (CAS)

Wall Street, South Manhanttan Island, with Trinity Church opposite
(Lithograph of unknown origin, 1852)
New York from a bird's eye view,k with the Brooklyn Bridge on the right
(Drawing by George Schlegel, 1873 and restored by Adam Cuerden, 2013)

Broadway Street, with Barnum's Museum on the left and Trinity Church in the background
(Lithograph by Augustus Köllnerr after a drawing by Isidore-Laurent Deroy, 1850)
Metropolitan Hotel Manhattan
(Godey's Lady's Book, ca, 1852)

Barnum's Museum "Lecture Room"
(Engraving by Samuel P. Avery, 1853)

Boston State Street (CAS)

HeWarren Masdonfrom boston
(Photograph of unknown origin, ca. 1870)

Harvard University
(Engraving of unknown origin, 1850)

Ponta Delgada, capital of the island of Sâo Miguel
(Photograph by unknown author, ca. 1910)
Map of the island of Sâo Miguel in the Azores archipelago
(Author unknown, 1870)
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