AAVV. Greek paradoxgraphers. Oddities and Wonders (1996)
Agatàrquides de Cnide. On the Eritrean Sea (in "Travel stories from ancient Greek literature" and in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Agathàmer. Geographia (in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Amià Marcel·lí. stories
Apià. Roman history
Apol·loni de Rodes. The Argonáuticas
Aristotle. History of animals
Arrià de Nicomèdia. Anabasis of Alexander the Great
Arrià de Nicomèdia. Periplo del Ponto Euxino (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature" and in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Arrià de Nicomèdia. Indica (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature" and in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Artemidor d'Èfes. Geographia (in Estrabó)
Avié. Description of the terrestrial orb
Avié. Paraphrasis (in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Berkelius, Abrahamus. Genuine Stephani Byzantini de urbibus et populis Fragmenta (1674)
Bohum, Edm. A Geographical Dictionary Representing the Present and Ancient Names (1688)
Claudii Ptolemaei. Geography (T. I-II) (Nobbe, 1843)
Claudio Tolomeo. The Geography (Giero. Ruscelli, 1574)
Claudio Tolomeo. Geography (Giovanni Antonio Magini, 1598)
Claudi Elià. History of animals
Claudi Rutili Numanci. Junior Latino Geographers
Ctèsies de Cnide. About India (in "Travel Stories of Ancient Greek Literature)
Dicearc. Periegesis (in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Diodor of Sicily. Historical Library
Dion Almost. Roman history
Dionis d'Halicarnàs. Ancient History of Rome
Dionysius Periegetes. Description of the inhabited Earth (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature and in" Geographi Grecos Minores ")
Eratosthenes of Cyrene (in the Strabo work)
Eratostenes of Cyrene. Mythology of the firmament
Escilax of Carianda. Periplus (in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Strabo. Geography
Filatova, Lyudmila L. Ptolemy's West Africa Reconstructed
Flavi Josef. Jewish war
García Monreno, Luis A. / Gomez Espelosin, Francisco Javier. Travel Stories from Ancient Greek Literature (2001)
Hanno. Periplo (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature" and in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Herodià. History of the Roman Empire after Marcus Aurelius
Herodot. History
Hesiode. Jobs and days
Hipparch of Nicea. Against the geography of Eratosthenes (in Estrabó)
Homer. Iliad
Homer. Odyssey
Xenophont. Hellenic
Xenophont. Ciropedia
Juli Cèsar. Comments on the civil war
Laurent, Peter Edmund. An Introduction to the Study of Ancient Geography (1830)
Marcià d'Heraclea. Periplo de Menippus Pergameno (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature" and in "Geographi Grecos Minores")
Marcià d'Heraclea. Periplus of the outer, eastern and western Sea (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature and in" Geographi Grecos Minores ")
Marcus, L et Duesberg. Géographie ancienne des états berberesques (1842)
Mari from Tir. Corrections to the world map (in Ptolemy)
McPhail, Cameron. Reconstructing Eratosthenes Map of the World (2011)
Nicèfor. Geographia (“Geographi Grecos Minores”)
Olive, Narcissus. Historical Dictionary or Universal Biography (TI-XII) (1830-1836)
Parish, Elijah. Sacred Geography or a Gazeteer of the Bible (1813)
Pausànies. Description of Greece
Plini the Vell. Natural History
Plutarc. Moral and moral works
Plutarc. Parallel lives
Polibi. stories
Pomponi Mela. Chorography
Posidoni d'Apamea (in the work of Strabo)
Pseudo Callisthenes. Life and Deeds of Alexander of Macedon
Pseude Scylax. Periplus (in "Travel stories of ancient Greek literature)
Pytheas of Massàlia. On the Ocean (in Plini i Estrabó)
Soline. Collection of memorable facts
Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorum quae supersunt TI (Recensioni Meinekii, Augusti, 1849)
Talbert, Richard JA Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (2003)
Tàcit. Annals
Tàcit. stories
Tit Livi. Periocas
Tit Livi. The origins of Rome
Thucydides. History of war
Valeri Màxim. Memorable Facts and Sayings
Wells, Edward. An Historical Geography of the Old and New Testament (1820)
Zosim. New history