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I have studied university biology and are a specialist in Natural History Antiga dels insectes, collaborator at the Barcelona Museum of Zoology and a member of the Institució Catalana d'Història Natural (ICHN). I have dedicated four years to the entomology study, a motive for which I have traveled through various parts of the world and I have witnessed the enormous biodiversity that exists on the planet.

He is the author of two works related to insects, which can be used here to read (in Spanish): Bands, swarms and devastation. Locust plagues throughout history (Almuzara, 2007) i Insects and hecatombs, volums I and II (RBA, 2012 and 2014). To juny of  2018 aparegué History of flies and mosquitoes, published by Editorial Arpa, setembre 2019 and will be published the darrera meva work, P assion by insects. Illustrators, Travelers, Collectors and Entomologists (Editorial Turner),  a little history of entomology from the exceptional work of fifty-one gifts that is dedicated to the study of insects. At the end of this page you will find links to articles and interviews about these treballs.  

In the first session, the species of the most perillous sores and the most important plagues that have occurred in the Neolithic homes are described, just when they are going to start. The second treball is a natural history that deals with common insects, polls, mosquitoes, mosques, xinxes and also paparres, and the molt diverse malalties of the quals in they are transmissors: plague, epidemic typhus, low fever, malaria, filariosi, trypanosomiasi africana, Chagas disease, etc. All this matter has been covered from a medical, biological, entomological and historical point of view.

These two works, of a considerable extension, with a volume of 2,300 pages, is found in the first tab, anonymous Insecta . The name and precise bibliography on which it is based, has a diverse origin and has been translated by my mateix. The complete work is available on this web page, but it is separated by chapters, as can be seen in the general index, with the intention that the reader can easily discover the specific matter that he or she will be interested in.

You can find a second pestanya, entitled Biographica . In it appear petites biographies of various naturalists, scientists, geographers, historians or viatgers who provide meus works, and movies who felt great admiration; sense la seva contributed jo no hauria writers.

On the third tab, Etiam Perire Ruinae , which means "have disappeared fins i tot les seves ruïnes" (Lucà. Farsalia , IX, 969), trobareu mapes del món antic. It is a treaty of an ambitious work that began in 2015. I may finish when the severity of the project will be considerable. The intention is to provide a tourist guide ore of the world conegut in the second century after Crist, where he would find a trip during that time: mars, rius, serralades, ètnies, towns, cities or regions, in the seu nom llatinitzat.

The bibliography used is found in the writings of ancient geographers and historians, especially Ptolemy, Plini, Strabo, and also other sources that vary with minor contributions. A cop confeccionats, I will push the maps to the web together with the base of data "access" that the hi dóna supports (in Catalan); There hi trobareu total the information collected that donates sentit to the map and which you will facilitate the installation of the lloc cercat.

The intention of this website is to offer gratuitously the contents of all those that I have considered interesting and have learned and written. It does not seem that the treballs remained invisible in a calaix, nor is it sufficient that they remain limited to the published work. Vull that the best effort of compilation and process of information feta during força anys pugui serve to those who are interested in these materials that are passionate.

I face trobareu an altra pestanya, Miscellanea ab absurdo: there hi trobareu phrases, ideas, answers and thoughts that turn per la ment, sovint surrealists. I also need to air my cap with questions "minor", trivial if I want to, but I will be happy and plaer. Here there are references to an altra meva work, res a veure from the previous ones, a black comedy that vaig writes només per riure. I vaig riure molt: Siete crimes por copula (Platform, 2015), by the author pseudònim Margarito Micifú ... I do not have the courage to pose the real meu nom. I en l'àmbit de la ficció, tot s'hi val! I recomend that veieu presented it from the book to the Abacus bookstore, really fun!  

Links d'articles and interviews


Televisió Sant Cugat (December 2014. minuts 12:03)

Barcelonautes (July 2018. minuts 15:13)

TV3. Tot es mou (July 2018. minuts 13:42)


The 9 TV of Vic (April 2019. minuts 16:40)

Conference at the Vic Debats Forum. Insectes transmissors de malalties (April 5, 2019)






Onda Vasca (October 2012. minutes 0: 00-12: 01)





Radio Euskadi. The House of the Word (November 2012. minutes 6: 05-20: 00)




Catalunya Ràdio. Ràdio Gent de Cultura (2013)





Cadena Ser. Today (September 2013. minutes 0: 00-21: 50)

Catalunya Ràdio. El Supplement, La Marató (December 2017. minuts 47: 30-59: 55)




Radio Extremadura. The sun rises in the west (June 2018. minutes 31: 35-41: 50)




Radio M21. Einstein in Malasaña (June 2018. minutes 55: 16-58: 00)


RNE-Radio3. Doppler effect (June 2018. minutes 32: 25-41: 45)

Catalunya Ràdio. La nit dels ignorants (juliol 2018. minuts 49: 00-58: 55)

RAC1. Hawaii 19.05 (August 2018. minuts 9: 35-26: 50)

National Radio. Only once (November 2019. minutes  18: 05-30: 17)


Cope. Noon COPE More with Ana Pastor (21.XI.2019. Minutes 20: 25-30: 52)


Radio 3. Everything begins today (3.XII.2019. Minutes 1: 35-2: 24/1: 10-1: 31)


Radio outside of Spain. Life in Green (21.XII.2019. Minutes 21: 50-34: 15)


Elisa McCausland. Insects (Maria Sibylla Merian). Doppler effect in Radio 3 (02/13/2020) (minutes 28: 02-39: 45)


Mabel Kremer. The history of flies and mosquitoes. Day by day. Radio Caracol Colombia (02/11/2020)


Hala bedi.Kasa Katxan. Passion for insects (5.15 - March 2020)  (minutes 4: 20-41: 10)

Javier del Pino and Juan José Millás. The species of the devil. The ages of Millás. To live. Cadena Ser (06/14/2020) (24:30 minutes to end)








Diary Page12. Supplement (March 2008)





The world. The critters that almost exterminated humanity (November 2012)



José Ramón Alonso's blog: Review of Insects and Hecatombs (January 2013)

Bolguejat. Salvador Macip. Ressenya Insects and Hecatombs (February 2013)


Murcia's opinion. Juan José Millás. Mysterious Zoologies (July 2013)



Diri from Girona. Juan José Millàs. Zoologies mysteries (juliol 2013)




Peststop. Fleas and lice changed the course of history (2014)


Killer Medicine. Naomí Baumslag (February 2014). Preface (p. 9-18) 20sinaA#v=inapage%Imedicist22=ina=xaf false


The Provinces. A typical fly can transmit more than a hundred diseases (November 2014)


National Geographic. History. Malaria has killed more than the plague and typhus combined (March 2015) Francesc Orteu. Criatures (November 2015)




The New Evolutionary Enlightenment. Germanic. Interview (May 2017)


The newspaper. Science Advances. Insects at the origin of malaria (June 2018)


The vanguard. Opinion. Màrius Serra. Mosquitoes 'mosquitoes' me (July 2018)


La Central Bookstore. The blog. Nacho Borraz. History of flies and mosquitoes review (July 2018)


The world. Unique characters. Paula Clemente. Mosquitoes as (now useless) weapons of war  (July 2018)


MosqitoAlert. Marina Torres. Interview. "You have to explain history and science with emotion and captivating anecdotes" (July 2018)


Zenda. Yolanda Guerrero. There is no small enemy (August 2018)


Pontevedra newspaper. Flies and mosquitoes are the most harmful insects for humans (August 2018)


EFE Agency. Flies and mosquitoes, a long history (August 2018)


Ara Estiu. The mosquito is not the only enemy (August 2018)

The Post Office of Zamora. Juan José Millás. Good day. The happy moment of opening the book "History of flies and mosquitoes" (August 2018)

Gustavo Colorado Grisales. Beware of God's Wrath ... And Fleas (October 2018)


The world. Mar de Miguel. Flies and mosquitoes: mass killers. (August 2019)

The country. Agathe Cortes. The women who caught butterflies with a revolver and a razor under their skirts (October 2019)

The vanguard. Domingo Marchena. The sad story of the dragonfly lover (November 2019)

Victor Amela. The Contra of La Vanguardia (12/31/2019).

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