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A “Etiam Perire Ruinae”, which means “they have disappeared including the seves ruïnes” (Lucà.  Farsalia , IX, 969), trobareu mapes del món antic. It is a tracta of an ambitious work started in 2014, and that may be the end of it, where the scale will be considerable.

The intention is to have a complete catalog of the world connected in the second second after Crist. First of all, followed by the fundamental work of the great Claudi Ptolomeu, and also that of two great geographers prior to him: Plini el vell and Estrabó d'Amasia. It is tractaria d'incloure tots els llocs that trobaria a viatger of the ancient times: mars, rius, caps, golfs, muntanyes i serralades, ètnies, pobles, ciutat i regions, amb el seu nom llatinitzat.

A band will present the maps of Ptolemy in the old configuration (conveniently retouched by me), according to the work Claudii Ptholomei Alexandrini Cosmographia , published in 1478 in Rome by Conrad Schweinheim and later Arnold Buckinck, from the translated from Greek to Llatí made anys abans per Jacobus Angelus (for more information, it was found in the biography of Ptolemy). There are many editions of Ptolemy's Geography (the first printed in 1475), but I have chosen to present a specially attractive map.

In these maps I have col·locat all the names that appear in the work of Ptolemy, the quals are introduced in an “access” file, where they relate all the names and different names, how is the current name, if it is coneix. Això allowed the comprehensive consultation of all the termes that appeared in different research motors. At the moment, this file "access" will not be available, and from now on I will pujat the file "excel", updates, both different research options.

Apart from Ptolemy's “antics maps”, only the modern maps: that is to say, maps with the actual contours of all the regions tractades, on is where the same old ones are. In some cases there is no doubt about the exact location; in others, it is approximate, and the altres is simply assumed (llavors s'acompanya d'un interrogant).

In these modern maps, divided by provinces or historical regions, they will sort the names that appear in the work of Ptolemy, Plini el vell (Natural History) and Strabo d'Amasia (Geography). In addition, there will be a map, a "general" anomenat, where three authors will appear together, plus three minor geographers or ancient historians, with a maximum number of second century AD. (Herodot, Dicearc, Eratòstenes, Possidoni, Agatàrquides, Píteas, Claudi Elià, Marc Vipsani Agripa, Pomponi Mela, Tàcit, Polibi, Juli César, Pausànies or Diodor of Sicily). In some cases, the names are cited by various authors, sometimes only by one; and the theme of synonyms is of greater importance, molt freqüents i en ocasions amb grafies molt dispars i confoses, degudes to various motius: bad transcription feta pels copistes to the length of the history, variability of a name or diverse origin of the own font.

The idea is that the reader of works of classical authors tingui that treball com a suport i pugui fer-se a fer-se an exact idea d'on es trobaven els llocs what is refereixen els authors grecs i romans en els seus tractats. That the seu connection is not simply reduced to a name, the majority of vegades are foreign and disconnected, but rather that some countries are foreign and disconnected, but rather that I can connect easily to which country against pertanyia; if it is trobava to the coast or to the interior; if it was situated in a lloc muntanyós or the banyava a riu; to whom poble or ètnia pertanyia; Both people who are other people and who are limited or who are living in the city.


Per tant, to view the maps, quatre pestanyes will be available: Europe, Africa, Asia and Oikoumene (inhabited land). The first three will be subdivided into the maps of Ptolemy (antic and modern contour), Strabo, Plini and the rest of the authors. I at the Oikoumene appear those geographers or historians who describe the world, but by reporting a smaller number of geographic names it is possible to represent them on a single map on only three continents.

In the tab "Bibliography" is trobarà the list of bibliographic material used to port to terme that work and the digital version of the work if that troba is available. Then s'afegeix the full list of the bibliography used.

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