In this pestanya, entitled Insecta , there are several articles grouped into three fundamental chapters, “Description of Insects”, “Locust Pests” and “Diseases transmitted by insects”. All of them have their origin in two public works, bands, swarms and devastation. (Almuzara, 2007) i Insects and Hecatombs , Vol. I-II (RBA, 2012-2014). The intention is to offer the reader the possibility of consulting the content free of charge and the possibility of increasing the free connection to the various private contributions.
The description of insects is based on the historical and biological study of llagostes, puces, polls, mosquitos, mosques and xinxes, doncs tots ells have tingut, i segueixen tenint, a negative influence on the home. Also s'inclou a chapter on parents, malgrat not be insects.
The plagues of llagosta have threatened the home since the Neolithic period, at which time I will learn the rudiments of agriculture and will fix the seva residence in a permanent place. An eixam of migratory sores can host thousands of millions of individuals who do not respect the balance of nature and destroy the existing plant mass, which has completed the food chain and exposed to those that depend on a Mort sure per starvation. The home has been witness, segle rere segle, of enormous catastrophes that appeared and disappeared in abundance.
Puces, polls, mosquits, mosques or xinxes exist in the Terra des de fa milions d'anys and have parasitized the home des de l'inici de la seva existence. Malgrat the lowercase measure, the previous authors have varied descriptions with certainty, facing that only from the discovery of the microscope in the seventeenth century will it be possible to observe them in great detail and precise.
This treball pretends to be a natural history of compulsory attacks, of the bad causes of their associated pathogens and of the impact on the home in the long term. I cal have in compte that, malgrat the great scientific advances, currently molts insects segueixen causing many affections greus a l'ésser humà, to the voltant d'un hundred, among them which is troben pesta, epidemic typhus, malaria, fever groga, dengue , leishmaniasis, filariasis, son malaltia or Chagas disease. The formal and expanded presentation of these works is troben in the pròlegs of each cuna d'elles.